What are you paying for? When developing large Internet projects, it is very important to consider all the costs that will be anyway. One of these cost items is the order of hosting services. With the incorrect calculation of this service, a large-scale project (online store, social network, etc.) will not only not bring the expected income, but also incur significant losses. This is due to the fact that on such resources a lot of pictures and a multimedia file are added, and for this, accordingly, a huge amount of disk space is required. If the calculation of expense items is incorrect or if some are completely ignored, the site you just created may be closed due to this.
The calculation of the hosting price for a subsequent lease should take into account several significant factors: server quality, connection security, pre-installed software, disk space and the possibility of increasing it if necessary. Based on these parameters, the cost and choice of hosting type will depend on which there are only three: virtual hosting, virtual server and a dedicated physical server. Any type of hosting can be purchased at https://justvps.com/.
Shared hosting
This species is characterized by a rather low price. The customer is provided with a certain sector on the physical disk, where you can place the source files for the full functioning of the site. This type can be considered for rent, if the budget is quite limited, and the resource itself is small and it does not provide for the placement of weighty functionality (business card website, company overview site, etc.). At the same time, customers should immediately understand that there are a lot of shortcomings:
- this resource is used by other webmasters and at the same time, the pages will open for a very long time, and in some situations the resource may not be available at all;
- the inability to install your own software for the functioning of the site, so when renting, you need to consider which software and its version is installed;
- many tenants will have the same IP address.
Virtual server
Unlike the first type, VPS provides not just a sector of allocated memory, but a full-fledged virtual server disk. Here you will already have the opportunity to reinstall the software, perform fine-tuning for the normal functioning of the site and there will be a dedicated IP address. This type of hosting is often used to place an online store on it, because the computing abilities here are also at a high level.
Among the shortcomings, the following should be noted:
- high price;
- all additionally installed software must be licensed;
- difficulties in management, since no shells are already provided for here.
Dedicated physical server
This type is the best in functionality. The cost of the VPS server is very high, while there is already not one disk, but several, which allows you to place on it not one, but several projects at once. Computational capabilities here are colossal, although they are similar to VPS. It is worth saying that such capacities are needed for those companies that have not only a website, but also databases for processing information in several departments at a considerable distance from each other (located in different cities, or even countries).
Before you make a choice in favor of a particular type of hosting, you must initially take into account all the nuances, anticipated technical needs, etc. For a serious commercial project, it is necessary to focus on more expensive types. Although the price of the server is several times higher than the virtual type of hosting, with its help you can organize really high-quality work.