What are you paying for? When developing large Internet projects, it is very important to consider all the costs that will be anyway. One of these cost items is the order of hosting services. With the incorrect calculation of this service, a large-scale project (online store, social network, etc.) will not only not bring the […]
Author: mywebxdigital
Good SEO starts with having a website that is accessible by the search engine crawlers. Many tech companies desire to use the latest and greatest technologies, but these often present large challenges to SEO if you do not know the intricacies of the technology.
SEO Ranking Factors If you do not work full time in SEO, you might think SEO is voodoo magic that someone behind the scenes is doing to game the search engines to get pages ranking. And in the mid-2000s, you would have been right.
Brief history Search engine optimization has been around for as long as there have been search engines. Google was not the first search engine.
Let’s talk about Accelerated Mobile Pages, or AMP for short. AMP is a Google pet project that purports to be “an open-source initiative aiming to make the web better for all”.
If you work with multilingual and/or multi-country sites, you can help Google to recognize their relevant audience though different configurations:
Sites at the top of Google search results typically score well in most, if not all, of these critical SEO success factors.
In the mid 90s there was a famous incident where an email administrator at a US University fielded a phone call from a professor who was complaining his department could only send emails 500 miles. The professor explained that whenever they tried to email anyone farther away their emails failed — it sounded like nonsense, […]
I also have a list of SEO tools that I go back to time and time again. However, most of us (myself included) still forget one of the most used SEO tools of all, something that most of us use every day without thinking twice. And guess what? You won’t even have to click out of your […]
You may have seen the term TF*IDF being tossed around in the last year or so, but no one could blame you if you haven’t started paying attention yet.