
An introduction to HTTP/2 for SEOs

In the mid 90s there was a famous incident where an email administrator at a US University fielded a phone call from a professor who was complaining his department could only send emails 500 miles. The professor explained that whenever they tried to email anyone farther away their emails failed — it sounded like nonsense, […]

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Business cloud services

Cloud services can bring a lot of advantages to your business. The common of them is cost reduction. Let’s find out how it works. Imagine that you need storage for your data and software. You can buy a server in-house. But you can’t buy only one server. You need a minimum two of them for […]

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How are the major SEO elements handled in Webflow?

After going through the redesign and migration process, I noticed a few minor differences when implementing some of the major onsite SEO elements in Webflow. Fortunately, I took note of these details so you don’t have to! This is by no means a complete checklist, but it can help point you in the right direction. […]

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CSS grid: release 2.0

Today, we’re releasing a massive update and series of improvements to grid layout that will make designing responsive, CSS grid-powered layouts easier than ever. Context: CSS grid 1.0 The launch of CSS grid back in October 2018 took layout in Webflow a dramatic step forward. But it also introduced two issues: Clunky responsive design workflows. Manually positioned grid […]

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